dataDyne Cardano stake pool Cardano stake pool is run and operated by crypto and technology experts active in crypto since 2011.

Our Cardano (ADA) pool

Get exclusive rewards with real value when staking to our pool!

• Each epoch, dataDyne distributes its operator fees among its delegators by giving free dollarDyne tokens! Learn more about dollarDyne and its usages here.

• airdrops exclusive NFTs to its delegators. You can't get them anywhere else!

You can redeem your dollarDynes and exclusive NFTs on Tosidrop. Your tokens are valid during 10 epochs so don't forget to claim them!

What we offer

Our pool offers the following benefits:


Extra rewards

In addition to your staking rewards, get dollarDyne tokens as well as excluside dataDyne NFTs!


We all love cheap

Zero fees! We commit to keep the 0% margin fees until we reach at least 3M ADA staked.



Fully redudant EU based pool. Hardware located on premises in two separate locations.



Delegating to signle pool operators promotes real decentralization to the network


Because the environment is one of dataDyne's top priorities,'s infrastucture runs 100% on renewable energy produced and stored locally.

Our main infrastructure is powered using solar panels coupled to a 15KWh battery to provide electricity during the night. The inverter is able to get electricity from the grid should the need arise. Finally our server room is protected by an uninteruptible power supply for maximum reliability.

Power infrastructure

Infrastructure is hosted on premises allowing us a total control over the infrastructure for maximum reliability, security and energy management.

Our main datacenter is composed of two Internet connexions, each one with its own relay in the DMZ. The main servers, where the Cardano validator is located, are located behind an extra firwall and load balancer.

DrCaroll is our backup and is located in Lucerne during normal operation. Should anything go wrong, DrCaroll has its own infrastructure located outside where a second datacenter is set up to guarantee continuity of dataDyne's activities.

Power infrastructure

We believe in the future of decentralized blockchain technology and provide services with our delegators and wider blockchain community in mind. is committed to dedicate all its benefits to ecological and humanitarian projects! By Participating in our small yet reliable Cardano's decentralisation pool, you will be receiving great rewards but will also participate in the building of a better world.

Cassandra de Vries